Application of a Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Method for Teaching Hypothalamic-Pituitary Concepts in Endocrinology

Presented By: Launa Lynch, Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine

The jigsaw cooperative learning method is rarely used in pharmacy or medical education. This study compared student outcomes in the passive learning method of lecture versus the active learning method of cooperative learning. Using worksheets along with the jigsaw cooperative learning method students improved their understanding of complex topics in endocrinology related to diseases of the hypothalamic-pituitary axes. 

In an integrated endocrinology course, students were taught hypothalamic-pituitary concepts using two different teaching methods: cooperative learning and lecture-based learning. Baseline, pre-and post-tests were administered to students for each teaching method to determine the student's achievement of the knowledge of the hypothalamic-pituitary axes concepts. End-of-course surveys were used to determine the students' satisfaction with the different teaching methods. 

Results of the study show that cooperative learning has a significant effect on students' achievement in learning. Students showed a significant increase in performance on the pre-test over the baseline assessment when preparing for the cooperative learning method when compared to the lecture session. Students' perception was that lecture was the best way to learn the material. The post-test scores showed students showed significant improvement when compared to the baseline test because of their in-class experience. Clinical faculty indicated when the corporate learning method was used the students asked more in-depth clinical questions. 

Students perceive lecture-based learning as a better method to learn, but their critical thinking skills to understand a disease state are enhanced when a cooperative learning method is used. Cooperative learning should be used more in the pharmacy and medical education setting because it enhances social skills through face-to-face interactions, promotes individual accountability, and improves pre-class preparation of the material. These are important skills to learn in pre-clinical years.

Date & Time
Monday, June 17, 2024, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Location Name
Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salons ABC