Improving Interactions with Medical Interpretation: An Educational Module for Medical Students at the University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine

Presented By: Alyssa Reinschmidt, University of San Diego Sanford School of Medicine
Co-Authors: DenYelle Kenyon, University of San Diego Sanford School of Medicine

Approximately 8.2% of the United States population has Limited English Proficiency (LEP), and South Dakota exhibited a 105% increase in this population from 2000-2021. Patients with LEP are subject to many health disparities including inappropriate use of medications and longer hospital stays. To mitigate disparities, future physicians should be trained to utilize language services appropriately. This project offers an educational module to the medical students at the University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine with the goal of preparing them to work with medical interpreters and patients with LEP. 

An educational module was developed through a literature review process and discussions with professionals in medical interpretation and diversity and inclusion. The module was presented to a pilot group of 11 medical students in November 2022. The students completed a pre- and post-module survey, which evaluated the preparedness, knowledge, and attitudes that students have when working with patients with LEP. The module will be presented to a larger group in spring 2024. 

Eleven medical students participated in the pilot session. Results were analyzed using a paired t-test. The results suggest that students a) felt the module better prepared them to work with patients with LEP, t(10) = -1.876, p < .05, b) improved on the knowledge-based portion of the survey, t(10) = -4.880, p <.001, and c) showed improvement in attitudes toward caring for patients with LEP t(10) = -1.936, p <.05 after completing the module. 

The results of this study were favorable, suggesting that the implemented training improves the preparedness, knowledge, and attitudes of students to work with medical interpreters and patients with LEP. Future directions include hosting a larger session, incorporating American Sign Language interpretation, and integrating the module into the medical school curriculum.

Date & Time
Sunday, June 16, 2024, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location Name
Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salons ABC