Departmental Reviews: The Roles and Contributions of Medical Educators

Presented By: Carol Elam, University of Kentucky
Co-Authors: Claire Clark, University of Kentucky
Alicia Colliver, University of Kentucky
Thomas Kelly, University of Kentucky
Josh Lile, University of Kentucky
Tammy Minor, University of Kentucky
Terry Stratton, University of Kentucky
Sarah Treberg, University of Kentucky

Given their broad experience and expertise across multiple missions, faculty medical educators are often called upon to head formal programmatic reviews designed to: document departmental activities and accomplishments; conduct SWOC analyses (assess strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges); and establish goals and priorities for strategic planning. 

In preparation for a six-year review, the Chair of the Department of Behavioral Science - a multi-disciplinary basic science department in a large U.S. academic medical center - convened an internal committee of key faculty and staff with historical knowledge and access to data pertaining to research, education, and service. Prominent among this group were "special title" faculty medical educators with a broad involvement in and understanding of the department's various academic missions - not the least of which was instruction at the undergraduate, graduate, and UME levels. 

Core review components included: (1) department history and vision, mission, and values; (2) faculty composition and biographies; (3) administrative staff roles; (4) budgetary information; (5) facilities and space; and (6) research, education and service activities. Also included were survey results related to employee engagement, an internal SWOC analyses, and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts. A summary of the key findings of the departmental review and the self-study recommendations will be shared at the 2024 IAMSE conference.

The guiding presence of medical educators in this review process proved highly beneficial. Their backgrounds provided a broad, holistic perspective on departmental performance and a rigorous, academic focus on assessment and evaluation. The final report and appendices were submitted to an External Review Committee and the Dean. Based on initial feedback, the content areas of the review - as well as the summary findings - resulted in a comprehensive and balanced reflection of academic metrics. A follow-up departmental retreat is planned for January, 2024 to discuss recommendations and next steps.

Date & Time
Monday, June 17, 2024, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Location Name
Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salons ABC