Evaluation of Anki as a Study Tool in First Year Medical School Education at UC Davis

Presented By: Emilie Allaert, University of California Davis School of Medicine

This study explores the impact of Anki, a spaced repetition flashcard app, on academic performance and well-being in the UC Davis School of Medicine's class of 2026. It investigates whether medical students who use Anki as their primary study method during the first-year curriculum achieve higher exam scores and experience lower stress levels compared to peers who do not use Anki. 

The study spanned the academic year 2022-2023 and targeted participants from the UC Davis School of Medicine's class of 2026. One survey was administered after the completion of each course, four total during the study. A minimum of 80 students voluntarily completed an anonymous nine-question survey following the completion of each course. This survey covered study methods, exam scores, daily study time, perceived stress levels, involvement in extracurriculars, and advice for future students. No personal information was collected during the survey process. 

The data indicates that Anki users consistently achieve higher scores, underscoring the potential effectiveness of this study tool. High-scoring Anki users also report lower stress levels, suggesting a positive correlation with reduced academic stress. Despite a slight increase in daily study time among Anki users with higher scores, the tool's efficacy extends beyond time commitment alone. We are confident that employing Anki does not adversely impact students' academic performance. However, it's essential to acknowledge the limitations of data collection, not based on controlled experiments, which may introduce confounding variables. Despite these considerations, the results thus far provide confidence in the overall benefits of Anki for students. 

The intricate interplay between stress levels, study duration, and academic achievement emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to evaluating study tools. These findings provide valuable insights for educators, students, and researchers, prompting further exploration into the multifaceted dynamics of learning methodologies and their impact on academic success and well-being.

Date & Time
Sunday, June 16, 2024, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location Name
Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salons ABC