Acknowledging Students Who Report Errors in Medical Educational Material

Presented By: Kevlian Andrew, St. George's University
Co-Authors: Robert Hage, St. George's University
Deepak Sharma, St. George's University

Medical education increasingly relies on online resources for exam preparation, yet the abundance of anatomical and clinical information on websites poses challenges due to potential inaccuracies. This study aims to address this issue by proposing a novel method to instill a critical mindset among medical and veterinary students, ultimately enhancing their ability to discern reliable information from online sources. 

A comprehensive analysis to evaluate the accuracy of anatomical and clinical information on commonly used medical websites was conducted. The study systematically identified prevalent errors and inconsistencies, emphasizing the need to foster critical evaluation skills among students. To address this, a proposal was developed to motivate students to actively participate in error detection. A virtual point system was suggested to recognize and reward students for their contributions to dtecting the accuracy of online medical content. 

The investigation revealed that despite the valuable role online resources play in exam preparation, they frequently contain inaccuracies such as outdated information, misinterpretations, and inconsistencies. In response, the proposal to incentivize students through a virtual point system emerged as a viable solution to augment the overall quality of online medical information.  

To cultivate lifelong learners in the medical field, a proactive examination of online materials is crucial. This study highlights the prevalence of errors in online medical resources and introduces a practical strategy to empower students in the validation process. The implementation of a virtual point system represents a promising avenue for educational institutions to encourage student involvement in detecting the accuracy and reliability of online medical information. This initiative aims to foster a culture of critical thinking and quality assurance among the future generation of healthcare professionals.

Date & Time
Monday, June 17, 2024, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Location Name
Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salons ABC