Motivations and Experiences of Teaching Assistants in a First-Year Integrated Medical Course

Presented By: Uzoma Ikonne, Eastern Virginia Medical School
Co-Authors: Carrie Elzie, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
Nina Li, Eastern Virginia Medical School

Teaching assistants (TAs) play a vital role in the education of medical students serving as peer teachers in the instruction of students in the course. Serving as a TA has been demonstrated to help develop competencies that are needed to be an effective educator. Previous studies focused on student teaching within a course focused on a single discipline, primarily anatomy, whereas, this study focuses on the experience of TAs within a multidisciplinary course. The purpose of this study was to explore the motivations of why medical students serve as TAs and their perceived benefits from the experience in an integrated first-year medical course. 

TAs served as peer teachers to the first-year medical students in an interdisciplinary course, by leading five large-group review sessions. TAs were sent a pre-experience questionnaire about their motivations for engaging in the teaching experience. After TA peer teaching sessions were completed, a post-experience questionnaire was sent to the TAs. Survey responses were summarized using percentages. 

Quantitative data from the pre-experience survey revealed TAs served because they wanted to solidify their knowledge of course material, aid in the preparation of Step -1 and improve their confidence in public speaking. Data from the post-experience survey revealed that TAs perceived that their experience solidified their knowledge and increased their likelihood of participating as a TA in different phases of their medical education. Further, thematic analysis of open response data revealed students were motivated to serve as TAs to help other students in their learning experience. 

Students are motivated to serve as TAs for varied reasons including solidifying course knowledge and preparing for licensing exams. Further, students serve as TAs to improve their communication and teaching skills. This information will help in recruiting students into and developing a standardized Student-as-Teacher program to foster the next generation of physician educators.

Date & Time
Monday, June 17, 2024, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Location Name
Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salons ABC