Building a Robust Medical Imaging Curriculum in the Pre-Clinical Phase of Undergraduate Medical Education

Presented By: Lisa Lin, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Medical imaging is an integral part of medicine. However, how imaging is taught is highly variable, with one in six medical schools with no recognized imaging curriculum. A national study performed on PGY-1 residents demonstrated a lack of confidence in basic imaging skills, such as recognizing abnormal from normal, indications for specific tests, and understanding adverse effects of contrast. This study sought to evaluate the status of medical imaging education throughout the pre-clinical years at Oregon Health and Science University.

Medical students were invited to complete a seven-question survey containing multiple choice, Likert scale, and open-ended questions aimed at evaluating students' confidence in interpreting basic findings on common studies, exploring resources currently utilized, and determining what additional training opportunities students desired. A repeat survey is being conducted to gauge the effectiveness of changes implemented and guide further improvement.

Students expressed lower confidence regarding interpretation of basic imaging modalities and a strong desire for educational resources. Responses indicated that most students did not utilize already available resources provided by faculty and instead relied primarily on external resources such as google images and Radiopaedia. Changes were thus made to: (1) increase visibility of available resources on the course website, (2) identify and link videos that provide a framework on evaluating scrollable images and facilitate landmark recognition, and (3) develop additional practice, such as flashcards, for structural identification and recognition of common imaging-relevant pathologies.

The course website was revised to improve visibility of existing educational resources, and additional resources were added and developed to enhance the medical imaging curriculum in accordance with reported learner preferences. Students will be re-surveyed to determine whether these interventions improved confidence in basic imaging skills and to inform further curricular changes.

Date & Time
Monday, June 17, 2024, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Location Name
Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salons ABC