Challenges and Advantages of Three-Dimensional Printing in Medical Anatomy Education: A Systematic Literature Review

Presented By: Payton Wolbert, Central Michigan University College of Medicine
Co-Authors: Makayla Brunt, Central Michigan University College of Medicine
Joydeep Chaudhuri, Central Michigan University College of Medicine
David Doyle, Central Michigan University College of Medicine
Patrick Fakhoury, Central Michigan University College of Medicine
Yousif Gariaqoza, Central Michigan University College of Medicine

The incorporation of three-dimensional printed (3DP) materials within medical anatomical education demonstrates potential in providing medical students with tactile, realistic educational models. These models can be generated through shared files and more accessible materials, thereby reducing both educational barriers and costs associated with their utilization. Due to these benefits, there has been an increased exploration of the practical application of 3DP models in the field of medical education. Nevertheless, there is a need for a more thorough investigation into the effectiveness of these resources when compared to traditional teaching methods. This study reviewed literature that focused on these relationships, with a specific emphasis on elucidating the advantages and challenges associated with incorporating this technology into the educational framework for instructing students in human anatomy within the medical sciences.

Our systematic literature review was meticulously conducted with specific inclusion criteria, focusing exclusively on primary research articles that investigated the implementation of 3D printing in undergraduate medical education, ensuring a targeted and relevant analysis of current practices and outcomes in this innovative educational field.

In total, 363 articles were identified in PubMed and 499 articles were identified in Scopus, generating 17 articles that met the inclusion criteria, where no systematic reviews, meta-analyses, or articles without original 3DP data were included. Initial analysis has demonstrated student openness to the use of 3D-printed materials, where materials have been shown to have the advantages of cost-effectiveness, greater accessibility, high modifiability, and are generally seen as more approachable by students. Furthermore, the identification of challenges related to 3DP printed materials, such as the level of detail of models or their perceived accuracy, have been recorded.

Collectively, this offers additional insight into the promise and challenges of this technology within current medical school curriculums.

Date & Time
Sunday, June 16, 2024, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location Name
Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salons ABC