How to Not Waste People's Time: Tips and Tricks to Lead Productive and Collaborative Working Meetings

Presented By: Kevin Diebel, University of Minnesota Medical School
Co-Authors: Jessamina Blum, University of Minnesota Medical School

Leading productive meetings to meet common outcomes can be challenging. We will share the structures, tools, and approaches that we've found useful by engaging the audience in a poster that contains links to many useful resources that participants can take and use at their own institution. We've all been part of task forces, working groups, or committees where the discussion goes in circles, there's no clear outcome, and people feel their voices are not heard or considered. Ultimately, this experience causes more frustration to its members than productive conversations and outcomes. To avoid these common pitfalls, we will share our experience in leading a successful and complex working group charged with bringing in a diverse array of stakeholders across multiple campuses to unite towards a common outcome. The solutions that we employed during this process contained a mixture of technology, pre- and post-meeting work, extensive facilitation strategies, and a timeline that provided enough room for productive discussion but kept the group from derailing. Participants will learn how to create a meeting structure that supports collaboration and production of high-quality outcomes.

Date & Time
Monday, June 17, 2024, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Location Name
Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salons ABC