AI and Movie Magic: Enhancing Clinical Cases in Medical School Foundation Courses

Presented By: Tyler Bland, University of Idaho

The primary aim of this innovative project is to enhance memorability and enjoyment in clinical case discussions during the Foundation Phase of medical school training. Specifically, the project endeavors to 1) improve knowledge retention, and 2) de-stigmatize disorders by featuring a celebrity who personally experiences the disease. 

In a novel approach, clinical cases focusing on autoimmune disorders and transplant immunology were transformed into a fictional sequel to "Another Cinderella Story," starring Selena Gomez, titled "Shattered Slippers." This choice leverages Selena Gomez's real-life experience with lupus and a kidney transplant, providing thematic continuity between otherwise disparate cases. The creation process involved several AI platforms: GPT-4 for plot development, Diffusion for image creation, Eleven Labs for narration, and GPT-4/Suno for theme song composition. In a reveal at the end, students were informed about Selena Gomez's actual medical conditions, linking the fictional narrative to real-life contexts. 

The fictional movie/case format received a highly positive reception from students. The case, segmented over several days, elicited anticipation and engagement, with students inquiring about the continuation of the "Selena Gomez case." 

Transforming clinical cases into fictional movies in the Foundation Phase of medical education seems to notably enhance student enjoyment during lectures. This approach holds promise for increasing the effectiveness of medical education through innovative storytelling and celebrity association. Future research will focus on evaluating long-term retention of case details and the effectiveness of this method in reducing stigma associated with the disorders covered.

Date & Time
Monday, June 17, 2024, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Location Name
Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salons ABC