Investigating the Essential Elements of Team-Based Learning in the Pre-Clerkship Medical Curriculum

Presented By: Jade Woodcock, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine
Co-Authors: Charles Henderson, Western Michigan University
Maria Sheakley, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine

The purpose of this study is to identify what elements are essential to the implementation of Team-based learning (TBL) in the pre-clerkship medical curriculum, and how to best implement each element. TBL is widely used in medical schools, yet the literature shows that many facilitators do not implement all the identified essential features of TBL. This limits research and practice related to TBL. 

Data was collected via a review of the TBL literature over the past twenty years along with interviews with 17 TBL trainer-consultants from US medical schools. 

The main outcome of this work is an innovation configuration map for TBL. This map identifies a set of seven essential elements of TBL: (1) Orientation, (2) Pre-assigned materials, (3) Properly formed and managed teams, (4) Accountability, (5) Feedback, (6) Reflection, and (7) Application phase. Each essential element has multiple possible implementation components with indications of which components are recommended or most widely utilized.

This study created a comprehensive list of essential elements and components of TBL with a recommended use for each of those elements for faculty to review when implementing TBL into their curriculum. The table created in this study can help medical educators better understand the essential elements of TBL, and how to utilize them when implementing TBL in their curricula.  It will also help researchers focus on optimizing the implementation of TBL.

Date & Time
Sunday, June 16, 2024, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location Name
Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salons ABC