Full Name
Yoi Tibbetts
Research Assistant Professor
University of Virginia
Yoi Tibbetts, Ph.D., is the Research Director at the Motivate Lab and an Assistant Professor of Education and Human Development at the University of Virginia. He researches motivation, achievement, and well-being with an emphasis on changing institutional structures to better support students who have been chronically underserved by the education system (e.g., Black, Brown, Indigenous, first-generation, and students who identify as having a disability) excel in higher education and beyond. In addition to implementing student-centered interventions designed to address issues related to inequity, Dr. Tibbetts has a distinct focus on leveraging research to create more motivationally supportive learning contexts, particularly within STEM disciplines and medicine. He works exclusively in researcher-practitioner partnerships including a current HRSA-funded collaboration with the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine focused on combating burnout and improving well-being among current and future healthcare practitioners. Dr. Tibbetts earned his Ph.D. in experimental social psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2017 and his B.A. from Swarthmore College in 2009.
Yoi Tibbetts