Marin Gillis - Roseman University College of Medicine
Judy Hanrahan - Roseman University College of Medicine
A ubiquitous problem in adding the humanities into medical school curriculum is the lack of a systemic approach to integration which makes it difficult to judge the success of the intervention. “Humanities” here is construed broadly to include humanism, ethics, and arts and humanities disciplines. Humanities content can be assessed only with clear overall learning objectives, a coherent articulation of the objective knowledge and skills learners are expected to demonstrate, and a collaborative multidisciplinary approach to developing curricular units. With limited hours and an already bloated curriculum, small, focused, and impactful inclusion of humanities topics is key.
Of the most important skills the humanities offers medicine is moral competency, i.e. moral discernment, moral reasoning, moral imagination, and moral courage. In this focus session we will apply an approach we call “microdosing,” small doses of humanities-based teaching and learning, to develop moral competence in learners through an integrated medical curriculum we have implemented in the foundational years at Roseman University College of Medicine.
Award-winning humanities educators will facilitate an interactive design thinking session towards understanding medicine and science as human practices. There will be three rounds, each focusing on a different case use, allowing participants to collaboratively design towards discovering how moral discernment, reasoning, imagination and courage may be taught within basic and clinical science lessons. We will conclude with a talk-back and discussion, where participants can share insights and challenges. By the end of the session, participants will have a clear understanding of the microdosing approach to integrating moral competence into the medical curriculum. They will also gain practical experience in applying design thinking to create actionable plans for incorporating humanities generally into their own educational contexts.
Agenda & Methods
- Introduction to the Concept (10 minutes): Overview of the session and the rationale behind microdosing the humanities in medical education.
- Implementation at Roseman University (20 minutes): Presentation on how Roseman University integrated microdosing into their curriculum, including specific examples and outcomes.
- Interactive Design Thinking Exercise (45 minutes):
- Round 1 (15 minutes): Case Study 1 – Participants work in groups to design strategies for integrating ethics into medical education using a provided case example.
- Round 2 (15 minutes): Case Study 2 – Groups rotate and build on the strategies developed in the first round, focusing on a new case.
- Round 3 (15 minutes): Case Study 3 – Final round where groups refine their strategies and prepare to present their solutions.
- Talk Back and Discussion (20 minutes): Groups present their strategies, followed by a facilitated discussion on the challenges, insights, and potential for broader application.
- Q&A and Wrap-Up (15 minutes): Final questions, sharing of resources, and closing remarks.