Panel: Delivering Scientific Solutions to wicked environmental challenges—Team Processes and Dynamics that are not only delivered, but adopted”
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT)

Researchers want to demonstrate their project impacts, and an essential part of achieving impact requires well-established processes and team dynamics. Effective team processes and dynamics require clear communication, established roles and responsibilities, and flexibility throughout the project lifecycle from ideation through dissemination and adoption. Yet, working on ambitious and challenging projects with public and private sector partners require navigating data sharing (FAIR principles), team governance, consistent protocols, privacy and access policies, and networks for communicating results in an unbiased manner so that the solution is actionable for the stakeholders. In research circles, often, delivery stops at publishing a paper or simply providing access to datasets, but this is insufficient to communicate the results and findings to the public to result in adoption. So, the best adopted solutions can only come about when the team dynamics and processes support the ultimate method of adoption. This is the means to impactful science. The assembled panelists represent the cutting edge of scientific innovation and adoption of research-based solutions for The US Department of Agriculture, The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, and The ICON Science Cooperative at Pacific Northwest National Lab. Each panelist oversees or directs multi-layered programs that involve collaboration across federal and private sector partners to garner stakeholder adoption (behavior change) of research outcomes.