Blue Ribbon Presentation: I'm in Your Class: Reflections from a 1st Gen Student and Colleague on the Importance of Mentorship
Date & Time
Thursday, June 27, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Marcos Fernandez

The 2024 NACTA Blue Ribbon Presentation will focus on the importance and impact of reaching First Generation Students in our classrooms, as well as reaching and supporting fellow colleagues that may identify as 1st Generation. Reviews will be presented on recent trends and perceived needs, challenges and opportunities, successes and failures, etc. with emphasis on agricultural related post-secondary institutions. Central to the message will be the critical role mentoring plays in others' success and fulfillment. Infused throughout will be an introspective first-hand account of Marcos' own personal, educational and professional journey as a 1st Generation Student, Academic and Administrator, and the critically important role that mentors played throughout each phase of his journey. Many in NACTA already know him well, but now, you'll get to hear the rest of the story....

Location Name
Fisher Complex: Fisher Auditorium
Full Address
Ohio State University - Wooster
1328 Dover Rd
Wooster, OH 44691
United States
Session Type