Carrie Pickworth - NC State University
Melissa Welsh - University of Maryland

The receipt of the award is a significant honor and is a valuable tool for advancement in academia. NACTA is fortunate to be able to award numerous awards to its membership, recognizing graduate and faculty for their teaching and learning efforts, throughout different stages of their careers. The awards vary from merit to single selection honors and all award nominations are peer reviewed by a panel of teaching colleagues. Reviewers are requested from the membership and previous award recipients. Traditionally reviewers have been provided a scoring document and are asked to score a subset of the nominations within a category. Award reviewers have not received formal training in evaluation of award packets nor do they receive sample award packets with a mock score to know what fails to meet or truly exemplifies award expectations. It is critical that reviewers feel confident in their ability to assess award packets and that nominees are fairly assessed. Therefore, the NACTA Educator Recognition Committee would like to facilitate an interactive award application reviewer workshop. Participants will have the opportunity to review award guidelines, receive mock award applications and score the applications. Following review of the mock applications, participants will discuss how they ranked an application, attributes they found exemplary or area for improvement. At the conclusion of the workshop the NACTA Educator Recognition Committee will collect feedback for areas to improve clarity in the call for award nominations and/or the award application review process.
1328 Dover Rd
Wooster, OH 44691
United States