Presented By: Kameron Rinehart, Texas Tech University
Co-Authors: Clarissa Darby, Texas Tech University
Jason Headrick, Texas Tech University
D'arcy Ryder, Texas Tech University
Professional membership organizations have been a part of the agricultural education profession for more than a century (Connors, 2021). These organizations have expanded over time to include faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate student members. This study aimed to investigate graduate students' sense of belonging in organizations associated with the agricultural communication, education, and leadership (ACEL) discipline. Researchers utilized qualitative research methods to conduct one-on-one, semi-structured interviews with graduate students belonging to six organizations. Organizations include the American Association for Agricultural Education (AAAE), North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Organization (NACTA), Association for Communication Excellence (ACE), National Agricultural Communications Symposium (NACS), Association of Leadership Educators (ALE), and the Association of International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE). Interviews were conducted over Zoom, and data was analyzed through a three-stage coding process (Stake, 1994). Researchers completed the coding process and combined codes to develop the emerging themes. Data was validated through rich descriptions and audit trails. Emerging themes highlight the graduate student perspective: 1.) Impactful Professional Organizations Membership; 2.) Student Recognition Needs; 3.) Underrepresented Voices; 4.) Membership After the Conference. This study is consistent with previous literature showcasing the benefits of graduate membership in professional organizations, yet there are areas of improvement to enhance graduate student experiences. Outside of the annual conferences, there are minimal opportunities for graduate students to be involved. We recommend involving graduate students in decision-making processes, establishing a graduate student representative on governing boards, and creating specific cohorts to facilitate interaction and networking among graduate student members. Additionally, future research should investigate faculty members' sense of belonging in organizations. Future research and modifications to current practice can advance professional organizations and increase to positively impact graduate students' sense of belonging as dues-paying members of these organizations.
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