Presented By: Maria Boerngen, Illinois State University
The objective of this pilot study is to assess students' perceptions of an online grain marketing simulation, and to measure gains in marketing knowledge and confidence from completing the simulation. Students enrolled in a senior/graduate-level futures and options course at Illinois State University complete a 36-day challenge in which they each manage a hypothetical 2500-acre corn and soybean operation through an entire simulated crop year from pre-plant to harvest, utilizing the online AgYield Simulator. AgYield generates reports including weather forecasts, planting progress and crop conditions, and other routine USDA bulletins, together with fluctuating crop prices and yield estimates, modeling the dynamic environment in which real farmers operate. Participants assimilate and apply this information to market their expected crop utilizing the grain marketing strategies that are the foundation of the course. Questionnaires were administered at the beginning of the project addressing students' prior experiences with class simulations, their level of comfort with online learning, and their real-world farming and grain marketing experience. The majority of participants did not grow up on a farm (78%), had no real-world grain marketing experience (78%), had completed one or two prior class simulations (89%), and were somewhat comfortable with online learning (67%). Post-project questionnaires addressed students' perception of AgYield and its impact on their grain marketing knowledge and confidence. 100% of participants enjoyed the simulation project, and 100% reported increased confidence in their ability to make marketing decisions. 100% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that they were more knowledgeable about several types of cash market contracts and hedging with futures contracts, with 90% agreeing or strongly agreeing that they gained knowledge in hedging with options. These results suggest that this hands-on application contributes to students' professional growth and mastery of course content. AgYield will be retained in the class, and data collection is ongoing.