Full Name
Luan Lawson
Associate Dean, Curricular Innovation in Medical Education, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University
Luan E. Lawson, MD, MAEd, is the Associate Dean of Curricular Innovation in Medical Education and Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University. Her academic interests have focused on undergraduate education, with expertise in curriculum development, assessment, and team training. As the PI of the American Medical Association Accelerating Change in Education (ACE) grant resulting in East Carolina University’s Redesigning Education and Accelerating Change in Healthcare (REACH) program, the REACH team designed and implemented 1) the Teachers of Quality Academy faculty development program, 2) the Leaders in Innovative Care Distinction Track for medical students, and 3) a longitudinal curriculum in Health Systems Science. Her work with the AMA-ACE Consortium has focused on defining and codifying the principles of Health Systems Science (HSS) and developing curricula needed to teach these competencies to medical students and health care professionals. Dr. Lawson serves on the National Board of Medical Examiners Emergency Medicine Advanced Clinical Exam Task Force and is the immediate past-president of the Clerkship Directors of Emergency Medicine.
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