Oral Session 2: The Use of Team Based Learning Principles in Community Based Service Learning Courses
Date & Time
Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 10:00 AM - 10:15 AM

BACKGROUND:  Research in the Science of Teaching and Learning has shown that the use of high-impact teaching and educational strategies lead to enhanced and higher level learning outcomes. The value of these strategies has been established by the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) and the National Survey of Student Engagement.  The use of these high-impact activities has not only shown the ability significantly enhance learning, but also influence the professional and personal development of the learner in a positive way.  The use of Team Based Learning has also shown great promise to drive deeper student learning and development.  The utilization of high-impact strategies and Team Based Learning approaches together may provide an excellent pedagogical modality to enhance high-impact learning for students, especially in community based service learning settings. DESCRIPTION:  This presentation will focus on the intentional utilization of Team Based Learning to enhance the learning outcomes in an undergraduate course designed around the high-impact practices of community based service learning, collaborative project based learning, and writing intensive instruction. Using this approach also provided a structure to move traditional lower-level learning activities from the Boyer model outside of the classroom and bringing the higher-level activities from the Boyer model into the classroom.  Thus, providing more time and latitude in the classroom to enhance student learning and program development using team based approaches. This approach was used in a junior/senior level undergraduate Program Planning and Evaluation course for Community Health and Public Health majors.  The objective of the course was for students to learn the processes and ti work in teams to assess the needs of a community, develop a program to meet the needs, implement the program in the community with community partners, and evaluate the community impact and outcomes of the program. RESULTS:  Data regarding student perceptions, satisfaction, learning, professional development, and community impact will be discussed.  Samples of the programs produced and community impacts and outcomes achieved will also be discussed. CONCLUSION: The use of Team Based Learning in a community based experiential learning course provides a course framework and design for enhanced student learning and community impact.