Introduction and Background Information: Using Team-Based Learning (TBL) in our classrooms is a natural fit for teachers who wish to encourage teamwork and to develop critical thinking skills in their students. However, sometimes designing the application activities for TBL seems challenging. How do we create application activities that are aligned with our student learning objectives, relevant, and both challenging and age appropriate for our students? Team-Based Learning can form a “perfect medley" with the case studies and teaching resources that are available at the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (NCCSTS) case collection website. The mission of the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science at the University at Buffalo is to "promote the development and dissemination of materials and practices for case teaching in the sciences"(http://sciencecases.lib.buffalo.edu). The website provides access to a collection of over 800 peer-reviewed science case studies which are organized for keyword search by subject, educational level (middle school, high school, college, and professional),and date of publication. Method: The author has reviewed over 100 case studies from the NCCSTS website and has adapted many of them to use as application activities in successful TBL modules for Principles of Biology (majors freshman college biology) on such diverse topics as osmosis, cell structure, mitosis, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and Mendelian genetics. Results: This presentation will detail the steps used by the author to select and adapt case studies from the NCCSTS collection for use as TBL application activities. In addition, the author will provide a model lesson, including the case, a team decision worksheet, and evaluation rubric,demonstrating alignment with TBL teaching principles.