In this oral presentation, the traditional TBL 4Ss (significant, same, specific, and simultaneous) are re-interpreted in a new and diverse way. The presentation, led by two professors uniquely connected but with diverse fields of study and different levels of experience with TBL, will explain how institution size and discipline do not matter when implementing Team-Based Learning, and that support, too, can come from diverse areas. The presenters include an information systems professor from a large public university and a communications professor from a small liberal arts college. Each will demonstrate how their diverse journeys into Team-Based Learning revealed common approaches, outcomes, and lessons learned. A key feature of this presentation will be the presentation of avenues of support for those who are looking to implement TBL into their curriculum, whether with professional colleagues or as a single faculty member. The presenters will share their strategies and how they adopted TBL to their fields with an emphasis on how the audience can also adapt these ideas to their own fields of study. Attendees will take away new contacts, resources, and practical lessons based on the experiences of the presenters who have tried, failed at times, and succeeded with Team-Based Learning.