Healthcare professional students apply their learning with patients and standardized patients (actors trained to portray patients in a standardized fashion). Does it work to involve patients and standardized patient in TBL? At the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, patients and standardized patients are involved in two different ways within a TBL-based interprofessional education course for dental, medical, nursing, pharmacy, physical therapy, and physician assistant students. Patients/Family Advocates help to teach in a session about ‘Patient Engagement’ in health care at the individual, system and societal level. Advocates have 3 roles: 1) represent the patient/family voice and role in health care and health professions education, 2) be a resource to student teams as they determine the best strategy to engage a patient/family at the individual level during their application exercises, 3) provide feedback and encouragement to student teams during report outs and inter-team discussion. In effect, they join the facilitator as being a visiting ‘guide on the side’ with authentic expertise in this content area. Standardized Patients portray challenging patients/providers as part of the application exercises during our ‘Advocacy and Assertion’ session. In this session, teams are required to speak up in scenarios that otherwise might result in patient harm. Standardized Patients enable teams to demonstrate their skills and communication approaches during the application exercise report out, and also provide feedback during the inter-team discussion. In this presentation, we will describe how to recruit, train and involve Patients/Family Advocates as well as Standardized Patients in traditional TBL sessions. We will also share feedback from students, faculty, patients and standardized patients based on engaging them in TBL sessions, and future directions.