Background Conventional TBL uses IF-AT cards to deliver the team-quiz component of the Readiness Assurance Process (RAP). We observed the use of IF-AT cards in various settings and identified that their use could be challenging in a large classroom setting. We sought to implement an electronic platform that would facilitate efficient delivery of the team-quiz. Description Within the last year and a half we began integrating TBL within our pharmacy program. To reduce logistical challenges in the large classroom, which includes distributing and collecting IF-AT cards, time to grade them, and additional personnel needed to facilitate this paper based process, we implemented the Spark system. Spark is a web based platform and is based on the Moodle system, an open source software program. Spark is used in conjunction with the Respondus Lockdown Browser®, making it a secure process for the RAP. Spark, like the IF-AT cards, supports an answer until correct function along with additional capabilities such as fill-in-the-blank and select all that apply, thus allowing greater flexibility with question types. In addition to supporting the RAP, Spark has been used to effectively deliver a variety of application activities. We conducted 49 TBL sessions within the last year, all using the Spark system to deliver the team quiz as well as some application activities. Evaluation Using Spark to support TBL has resulted in a number of benefits. Eliminated the need to distribute or collect any type of paper quiz. Immediate collection of the team-quiz results Implementation of additional question types within the RAP beyond single-selection multiple choice. Supported a greater range of application exercises beyond multiple choice questions within the large classroom. Provided a cost friendly solution. Conclusion We have found Spark to be a valuable and efficient system and will continue to develop how we use it in TBL.