BACKGROUND: Existing instruments that assess students’ perceptions of TBL are not based on the Conceptual Model of TBL; the aim of this project is to develop and validate an instrument on the perception of learning outcomes among college students who have participated in TBL. It will be based on the suggested learning outcomes of the Conceptual Model for TBL proposed by Haidet and colleagues. DESCRIPTION: This project is funded by the TBLC, and the University of Alabama at Birmingham. It is a mixed-methods design, beginning with a qualitative methodology that includes preliminary literature review, focus groups, expert review, and cognitive interviews. An initial set of content domains and items for the TBL-SOM were generated from literature review, and from the collective TBL experience of the research team. The initial set of domains and item pool on perceptions of learning outcomes for TBL are being refined through focus group discussions. That data will be examined via thematic analysis, with validation performed by a disinterested peer, as well as peer debriefing and member checking. This will be followed by expert review using Delphi technique, assessing item relevance and representativeness. Cognitive interviewing will be conducted on the agreed upon items, with subsequent revisions as necessary. RESULTS: The project is ongoing at present. It is anticipated that the qualitative data, or phase one of the study, will be completed by the presentation date. If accepted for presentation, that data will be presented, along and a more in-depth overview of the methodology. CONCLUSIONS: A quantitative instrument validation stage will follow completion of the development stage, to include field testing with associated item analysis and exploratory factor analysis, to identify the underlying domains. It is our intention to submit for a workshop at the 2021 TBLC Annual Meeting to present on the completed instrument.