Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop and implement the readiness assurance process (RAP) in a virtual reality (VR) environment and to evaluate the effectiveness of the RAP in a VR team-based learning™ (TBL) scenario. Methods: Participants were recruited through postings on the University campus and through student organization listservs. Students were provided with a short reading and escorted to individual VR stations to complete the RAP (e.g. iRAT, tRAT, appeals, and clarifying points). A survey collected participant demographic information and specific questions about their VR TBL experience using a 5-point Likert scale and open-ended questions. Results: Participants from diverse backgrounds and educational experiences participated in a RAP TBL experience. Participants tended to be White (30%), Female (51%), and/or between the ages of 18-24 years (89%). The majority of participants responded positively to the experience indicating that they would take a VR TBL course (83.33%) and would actually choose this environment over current online methods for team activities (88.89%). A small percentage experienced vertigo (29.63%) while participating. Conclusion: This pilot study is the first successful demonstration of TBL conducted in VR. Opportunities for improvement includes minimizing vertigo while in the learning environment and improving use of this technology for team activities and assessments. Additional studies are warranted to implement a complete TBL module in VR from RAP through application exercises. Acknoledgements: The authors would like to thank the Team-Based Learning Learning™ for their financial support.