Deirdre Pitts - Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Sarah Lerchenfeldt - Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Tracey Taylor - Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Robin Rivest - Oakland University William Beaumont School Of Medicine

Over the last several years, schools, colleges and universities have established offices of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) to promote and support an equitable and inclusive environment. Academic and healthcare institutions have implemented unconscious bias training to inform individuals of the natural inclination to hold biases based on each individual’s background and experiences and to, provide tools to adjust automatic patterns of thinking, and ultimately eliminate discriminatory behaviors. Institutions must navigate from raising awareness to fostering an inclusive work and learning environment. One way to go beyond bias awareness and effectively engage the institutional transformation process is by developing a program that supports the growing need to recruit and retain underrepresented minorities (URM) throughout academia and health care institutions. In OUWB, an innovative Diversity Champion Certificate Program was developed to ensure everyone within our community has a voice and a sense of belonging. Since the team-based learning pedagogy by itself enhances diversity and inclusion, a TBL module focused on issues of bias, diversity, equity and inclusion was developed for the program training curriculum. The TBL aims to enhance active learning and critical thinking surrounding diversity, equity and inclusion. It also allows Diversity Champion trainees an opportunity to apply their knowledge to solve real-life DEI related scenarios that commonly occur in the workplace and learning environment within a team setting.