Team-Based Learning (TBL) is an instructional strategy that encourages students to engage in deeper learning and supports the development of team learning. Learning within and between teams is therefore an essential part of didactics. It is assumed that this team learning mainly takes place in the application phase of TBL. After all, TBL applications are designed around the idea that team learning takes place there through discussions concerning the assignments. In order to speak of team learning, at least the three basic behavioural dimensions of team learning behaviour must be present: sharing, co-construction and constructive conflict (Meeuwissen, Gijselaers, Wolfhagen & Oude Egbrink, 2020, Decuyper, Dochy & Van den Bossche, 2010). However, we do not know whether these behavioural dimensions can also be observed in TBL application sessions. When we have insight into which elements of team learning behaviour occur in TBL groups in the application phase of TBL, it is possible to focus interventions on improving team learning in the application phase of TBL. A higher quality of team learning will contribute to better learning outcomes. In this workshop participants discover which elements are (or can be) present in team learning. Furthermore, identifying team learning through qualitative analysis of an application session is practiced in application sessions. Finally, on the basis of a case, interventions aimed at improving team learning are discussed.