Full Name
Karla Kubitz
Associate Professor
Towson University
Karla is an associate professor in the Department of Kinesiology at Towson University. She teaches classes in sport psychology, exercise psychology, motor learning, and the psychology of sport injury/ rehabilitation and has been teaching using team-based learning since 2005. Karla received her Ph.D. in Exercise Science from Arizona State University. Her dissertation examined the effects of exercise training on EEG activity during stress and was awarded the Outstanding Dissertation Award from Division 47 of the American Psychological Association and also the NASPE Sport Psychology Academy Dissertation Award. Karla has published on the relationship between EEG and sport performance, on the effects of exercise training on EEG laterality, as well as on the effects of exercise on EEG activity. She has been awarded summer research fellowships with the Army, NASA, and most recently, the Navy. Karla is a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and a member of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Karla is an active member of the Team-Based Learning Collaborative and is currently serving the TBLC in several roles. She is a member of the Steering Committee (i.e., the Member-at-Large for Higher Education) and a member of the 2013-2014 Program Committee. In addition, she is Chair of the Editorial Board for the TBLC Resource Bank and a mentor in the Train the Trainer-Consultant program. Karla has published two book chapters on team-based learning, one in Team-Based Learning for Health Professions Education (2008) and another in Team-Based Learning in the Social Sciences and Humanities (2012). She has also published several teaching modules in the TBLC Resource Bank.
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