Full Name
Michael Sweet
Director of Design and Integration
Northeastern University
Michael Sweet is Director of Design and Integration in the Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning through Research (CATLR) at Northeastern University in Boston. He has also led teaching centers and initiatives at the University of Texas Austin, the University of Oregon and Portland Community College.
He earned his Ph.D. from University of Texas Austin in Educational Psychology and his research and professional work have centered on learning processes in student groups. He has published in various journals in the learning sciences, postsecondary educational development, and disciplinary education. He was an invited guest editor for a special issue of Educational Psychology Review on group learning in postsecondary education and was lead editor of the volume Team-Based Learning in the Social Sciences and Humanities: Group Work that Works to Generate Critical Thinking and Engagement.
He presents nationally and internationally on critical thinking and team-based learning, served as the 2009-2010 President of the Team-Based Learning Collaborative and 2014-2016 Executive Editor of Publications. The online resources he developed to support critical thinking instruction and Team-Based Learning have achieved international adoption.
He has taught undergraduate and graduate classes in Learning Design and Assessment, Learning and Motivation, Group Communication, Critical Thinking and in various internet and data networking topics.
He earned his Ph.D. from University of Texas Austin in Educational Psychology and his research and professional work have centered on learning processes in student groups. He has published in various journals in the learning sciences, postsecondary educational development, and disciplinary education. He was an invited guest editor for a special issue of Educational Psychology Review on group learning in postsecondary education and was lead editor of the volume Team-Based Learning in the Social Sciences and Humanities: Group Work that Works to Generate Critical Thinking and Engagement.
He presents nationally and internationally on critical thinking and team-based learning, served as the 2009-2010 President of the Team-Based Learning Collaborative and 2014-2016 Executive Editor of Publications. The online resources he developed to support critical thinking instruction and Team-Based Learning have achieved international adoption.
He has taught undergraduate and graduate classes in Learning Design and Assessment, Learning and Motivation, Group Communication, Critical Thinking and in various internet and data networking topics.
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