Full Name
Neil Haave
University of Alberta
Neil Haave (PhD, University of British Columbia) has been teaching molecular cell biology and biochemistry at the Augustana Campus since 1990 where he served as Chair of Science and Associate Dean. Neil is a recipient of ACUBE's Excellence in Teaching Award, the UofA's Rutherford Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, and McCalla Professorship, and Augustana's Teaching Leadership Award and Teaching Faculty Award for the Support of Information Literacy. His research interests include the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) with publications on biology curricula, e-portfolios, and undergraduate research. He is currently conducting research on students’ learning philosophies. His involvement with SoTL has included editing Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, co-chairing the Festival of Teaching steering committee, and chairing the Teaching Professor Conference Advisory Board. For the last decade, he has been developing his lecture courses to include a greater degree of active learning resulting in most of his courses using some version of team-based learning. Neil is interested in developing scholarly approaches to teaching which includes researching our own educational practices in light of the published literature on teaching and learning in higher education.
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