Health professions programs aspire for learning objectives that go beyond simple memorization or pattern recognition, seeking higher cognitive levels with appropriately aligned assessment items. These more challenging items are particularly advantageous for active learning exercises that involve collaborative problem-solving among students such as team-based learning (TBL). As active learning has been shown to improve student performance relative to passive, lecture-based instruction, it is critical to develop problem scenarios that encourage students to apply their foundational scientific knowledge to clinical scenarios through social engagement in joint problem-solving sessions with their peers. Problems that incorporate novel clinical and experimental scenarios that the students have not encountered along with graphical interpretation of data can be used in the readiness assurance process of TBL to stimulate collaboration and problem-solving. These types of problems are also essential to an effective TBL application exercise as well. In order for the successful incorporation of problems that are at the top of the hierarchy of Bloom’s taxonomy into TBLs, the prework has to engage students by being consistent and streamlined in order to prepare for the active learning session. This can achieved through the use of customizable Scholar Rx Bricks that provide the cognitive scaffolding to engage students for TBL.
Stephen Schneid - University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Skaggs School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Katharina Brandl - University of California San Diego