To respond to the growing issues and needs related to diversity, inclusion, and equity, Dr. Trinidad will provide lessons learned along the way in utilizing critical team-based learning approaches and strategies. Rooted in critical Indigenous pedagogy of place, Dr. Trinidad will draw upon her work with youth, teaching in higher education across academic programs and disciplines, and mentoring those entering careers in social work, community based and health promotion work. Specifically, she will focus on three components: 1) building: how teams are built to co-create, co-define its meaning and stances of equity, and co-learning from their individual and collective experiences of oppression and empowerment; 2) facilitating: how teams can find synergy among its members to become critically aware of disparities and gaps, and active in fostering their creative and innovative juices to problem solve respective issues they care about, and put forth potential action(s); and finally, 3) navigating: how teams can grapple and navigate the power structures and processes as they implement their action of change. Dr. Trinidad will also touch upon the roles of adult allies or those who presume roles of facilitating (e.g., mentor) critical team building, critical consciousness, and acts of liberation and healing. This plenary hopes to inspire us to imagine and impact change of radical love, individually and collectively.