We have all heard of identity crises as they relate to our personal lives, but professional identity “crises” exist as well. As students transition into their health professions curriculum, they must develop their professional identities from that of a student into that of a healthcare professional; a process which many find challenging. If learners’ fail to develop their professional identity as they progress through medical school, crises can occur. Foundational science educators can help foster medical student professional identity development (PID) through their teaching practices. While there can be an embedded belief that science knowledge and medical professional identity are separate and distinct, there are effective ways to pedagogically integrate these in a way that does not sacrifice one (i.e. science knowledge) for the other (professional identity). With this in mind, this webinar will provide: an overview of what professional identity is (and isn’t), mechanisms of PID development, ways foundational medical sciences can impact PID, and applied teaching practices science educators can implement to help support medical student PID.