Due to the continuing impacts of COVID-19, the WVAGP Board of Directors voted this week to cancel this year’s WV GIS Conference. The decision to cancel our much-anticipated meeting was not an easy one to make, but our first priority lies with the health and safety of our colleagues and students across state and around the region.

We would like to recognize and thank so many of you for the work you put into this meeting as presenters and planners, and also wish to acknowledge the logistical work you did at your home institutions in preparation to attend this year.

  • Refunds: Anyone who has already registered for the conference will be contacted directly by WVAGP to arrange refunds. We are still working through some details, but you will be contacted by the end of April. 
  • WVAGP Board Elections: We are currently finalizing our plans for electronic voting for our board elections this year. Currently, we anticipate a ballot submission period of 4 weeks, and an overlapping 2 week period of online voting. Additional details will be announced shortly!
  • Annual Membership Meeting - June 2: We are currently working on an electronic solution to hold our members meeting online. Our agenda for this particular meeting will be our Association business. We encourage ALL members to attend if able. The agenda and additional details will be sent soon.
  • Mid-Year Meeting: Because we have cancelled the conference, we are already discussing a mid-year meeting. We do not yet have details of when or where, but we want to let you know that we are working on it! 

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to evaluate and work through this complex and rapidly changing situation. And thank you for your engagement with the West Virginia Association of Geospatial Professionals. I hope to see all of you at future meetings.

Please contact Kevin Kuhn at kkuhn2@wvu.edu for if you have any questions.