Full Name
Bonny McClain
Let’s meet in conversation about infrastructure with the understanding that we don’t float above buildings, bridges, and highways — we walk, drive, and navigate through and on them.

Using the city as an operational unit I use open source solutions to tell stories about urban form and morphometrics and what we learn from the social demographic layers located within and the vulnerabilities encountered with climate risk and change. I believe the stories are in those spaces and I use informal settlements (emergent growth) like favelas, formal settlements (cities built by systematic formal intention) to identify the common phenotype.

Geospatial analysis answers the question of “where” something is happening or happened. There are a wide variety of both proprietary (ArcGIS) and nonproprietary open source solutions (QGIS) that display layers of detail for us to process and visualize to inform our decision making or to help formulate a data question. These skills and tools can help readers to determine the “why”--what geographic or temporal trends influence phenomena that can guide appropriate policies or interventions.

Professionally I apply advanced data analytics including data engineering and geoenrichment to discussions of poverty, race, and gender. My research targets judgements
about social determinants, racial equity, and elements of intersectionality to illuminate the confluence of metrics contributing to poverty. Moving beyond zipcodes to explore apportioned socioeconomic data based on underlying population data leads to discovering novel variables based on location to build more context to complex data questions.

Let’s redefine how we measure these attributes and how we can more accurately identify factors amenable to intervention. Spatial data hosts a variety of physical and cultural features to reveal distribution patterns helping analysts and data professionals understand underlying causes of these patterns. The ability to query these relationships can inform policy and identify solutions.
Bonny McClain