Mentoring Our Future Surveyors
Date & Time
Friday, February 14, 2020, 1:15 PM - 5:15 PM
Amy Hopkins
4PDH- With the average age of surveyors getting higher each year, we need to attract and retain young survey  talent. Once we hire  them, how do we to hold on  to  them? Is your management staff scaring them off? Are we overlooking potential talent within our own firms? Is the generation gap too wide to bridge? Does your company offer a  friendly work atmosphere for everyone? Maybe your management style needs to change. 
This session is geared toward managers and party chiefs who interact directly with the future of our profession. Upper level managers will take away a new perspective on the development and mentoring of their employees at all levels of experience and licensure. 
Course Objectives: 
1. Mentoring the future generation of Surveyors 
2. Recognizing and retaining young survey talent 
3. Managing Millennials 
4. Closing the generation gap 
5. Creating a friendly work environment for everyone. 
Anticipated learning objectives:  
1. How to be an effective and inspiring mentor. 
2. Learn what it takes to recognize and retain your company’s young survey talent. 
3. Learn what Millennials need to stay productive and motivated.
4. Close the generation gap by admitting you may be part of the problem. 
5. Learn how to create a friendly atmosphere for everyone. 
Session Type