SEMINAR: Surface Modeling from Existing Ground to Machine Control and As-Builts 2 PDH)
Date & Time
Thursday, February 9, 2023, 3:15 PM - 5:15 PM

This session will cover a few basics of surface modeling for new users but will primarily be about making BETTER models. It’s not rocket-design but, whether you’re modeling existing ground for a proposed development or as-designed or as-built surfaces for staking and machine control, you are guaranteed to come away from this presentation with new tricks up your sleeve!
Some of the topics to be covered are:
• The importance of breaklines for just about any surface
• Tips for improving surfaces created from contours
• Modeling pads and retaining walls
• Volume calculations and reporting
Location Name
Full Address
Stonewall Resort
940 Resort Dr
Roanoke, WV 26447
United States
940 Resort Dr
Roanoke, WV 26447
United States
Session Type