"There are the two primary ways in which the surveyor will end up in court. The surveyor may be called to be an expert witness where testimony will be given either in defense of a fellow surveyor’s work, or to help establish the standard of care that a fellow surveyor failed to meet. Or the surveyor will go to court to defend his or her on work. In either case, the surveyor must be prepared to face the challenges of testifying. This seminar will explore the world of civil litigation and the land surveyor’s role as expert witness or as defendant. The litigation process will be demystified and the rules of engagement that will be used in court will be explained. Good and bad testimony will be examined through real case studies in which surveyors testified as experts and in their own defense. Important issues of surveyor’s liability will be studied. Strategies for winning in court will be explained and strategies for avoiding court altogether, will be discussed. This seminar will teach the participants how to thrive as an expert witness and how to survive as a defendant in court. Power Point presentation.
OBJECTIVES: To enhance professional competency and improve practitioner’s knowledge of the law as it relates to the practice of land surveying."