Fairmont State Chapter - Ethics for Surveyors
Date & Time
Friday, June 3, 2022, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

What can Surveyors and Engineers learn from other professions? Why are other professions’ Ethics different (and the same) from Surveyors’ and Engineers? Ethical considerations of business and professional practice have always been of concern to surveyors and engineers, but in recent years surveyors and engineers have seen an increasing emphasis on the need to understand and put into practice positive ethical attitudes. Attempts are made to impose ethics on surveyors and engineers from several directions including legal, professional and moral. An understanding of the implications of each is important. Additionally, surveyors and engineers find themselves interacting with other professions on a daily basis where an understanding of their ethical obligations is critical to a positive outcome for projects that require input from many different sources. However, it is frequently observed that priorities of different professions may be in conflict with each other. To focus thoughts for the class, the workshop will begin with a review of ethical guidelines that surveyors and engineers from West Virginia are expected to adhere to and look at areas of common interest as well as areas of difference. After a discussion of the history of ethics for surveyors and engineers and an examinations of modern ethical guidelines for surveyors and engineers, guidelines for several other professions will be examined with an eye toward areas of commonality as well as areas of conflict. Some of these groups will be closely related professions to surveyors and engineers while others will be examined not for their areas of common interest, but rather to see what we can learn from them.
**This course has been pre-approved by the WV Board of Professional Surveyors to meet the mandatory requirement for a 2 PDH credits in ethics every four years**
Session Type