Improving students' motivation to complete technology based learning using the MUSIC framework
Date & Time
Friday, February 28, 2020, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Tehmina Gladman - University of Otago Wellington
Rebecca Grainger - University of Otago
Diane Kenwright - University of Otago, Wellington
Rebecca Grainger - University of Otago
Diane Kenwright - University of Otago, Wellington

Many courses use flipped classroom, online modules or other technology-based learning environments. A challenge is how to motivate Students to engage in online lessons. The MUSIC Model of Motivation allows teachers to analyze their online learning in a structured fashion. The acronym MUSIC [eMpowerment, Usefulness, Success, Interest, and Caring] is an academic motivation framework based on self-determination theory and expectancy-value theory. This focus session will enable participants to design both technology-enhanced and face to face learning with motivation in mind. The focus session will introduce strategies and tips for technology-based lessons that improve student motivation by making them * feel empowered by having the ability to make decisions about some aspects of their learning, * understand why what they are learning is useful for their short- or long-term goals, * believe that they can succeed if they put forth the effort required, * are interested in the content and instructional activities, and * believe that the instructor and others in the learning environment care about their learning and about them as a person. Participants will learn how to analyze their own online teaching to identify improvements that can be made to improve student motivation.
Session Type