The medical profession needs JEDIs! Providers should embody the skills to connect not just EQUITY, DIVERSITY, and INCLUSION to their practice, but also JUSTICE. Recent national events involving identity, marginalization and discrimination coupled with disparities highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic placed social justice issues front and center for the healthcare community. These events have created new urgency for medical education programs to integrate issues of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) within their curricula. Though sociodemographic factors are recognized as important determinants of health, traditional didactic methods prove inadequate in teaching the skills needed to address health disparities. Innovative approaches are required to build students’ structural competency through anti-racist pedagogy and dialogue about social inequality. This session presents strategies one medical education program used to successfully repurpose existing didactic courses to embrace structural competency, difficult topics, and fulfill updated accreditation standards. Participants will be engaged to: 1. Identify opportunities and challenges of integrating JEDI within curricula. 2. Analyze one successful approach to integrating JEDI. 3. Discuss effective strategies for engaging learners with difficult topics. 4. Examine student feedback and reflections on learning. 5. Consider opportunities within existing curricula to address and integrate JEDI.
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Denver, CO 80202
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