John Paige - Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center

This workshop will draw on the experience of a team of inter-professional collaborators at the LSU Health New Orleans Health Sciences Center to review lessons learned from successful integration of inter-professional, high fidelity, simulation-based team training of healthcare students from the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health into curricula in order to assist attendees in developing successful IPE programs within their institution through a bottom-up approach. Inter-professional education (IPE) has taken on increasing importance at health sciences centers, pushing academic institutions to integrate IPE throughout their curricula. IPE curricular development presents a unique set of challenges that make its implementation in a meaningful manner difficult. Such barriers often dash well-intentioned, initial attempts at creating a worthwhile IPE curriculum. Additionally, institutions are faced with deciding whether IPE should be promulgated using a top down method or allowed to bubble up to the surface via a bottom up approach. By drawing lessons learned in integrating IPE within a Nurse Anesthesia Program at LSU Health New Orleans Health Sciences Center, this workshop will focus on helping attendees identify key challenges to implementing IPE, create solutions, and learn how to leverage existing course structure to bring IPE to their institutions.
1701 California Street
Denver, CO 80202
United States