Kimberly Dahlman - Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Bonny Dickinson - Mercer University School of Medicine
Martha Faner - Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine
The scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) refers to the systematic study of teaching and learning, and involves asking a question, gathering evidence to answer the question, and disseminating the evidence so that others may benefit from the new knowledge. Examples of SoTL include novel and innovative curricula, learning activities, and student satisfaction, performance, or other forms of outcome data. At most institutions, educational scholarship is a major criterion for educator track faculty promotion and tenure. Many junior faculty, however, have not been exposed to the practices of educational scholarship, and find it difficult to summarize and disseminate their novel teaching and learning methods and discoveries. In this workshop, participants will bring an existing educational scholarship project or identify a new one. The facilitators will deliver practical presentations on several topics, and use a combination of individual and small group work at mentored tables to help participants plan an educational scholarship project and identify how best to disseminate their work. A comprehensive worksheet will guide participants through the workshop.