Mary DeVilbiss - Association of American Medical Colleges
Gustavo Patino - Oakland University
Yoon Soo Park - Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital
In our work as editors of Academic Medicine, we routinely identify preventable errors in study design that undermine the quality and effectiveness of health professions education (HPE) research submitted for publication. In this course, we offer practical advice and best practices in designing and implementing quantitative studies in HPE to help prevent these pitfalls. These practices include appropriately choosing the unit of analysis and sampling method, reporting statistical and clinical significance with effect sizes, de-identifying data, and working with the IRB on submission approvals. By participating in this course, attendees will be able to (i) name and describe a set of common pitfalls in HPE research design and (ii) develop proactive strategies to prevent these errors. The workshop will be composed of two parts, each consisting of a lecture covering half of the topics followed by a hands-on activity. In the latter, participants will practice identifying issues with example research abstracts and suggesting possible ways to deal with them. We hope that through participating in this course, colleagues new to HPE research will be able to save time and effort and produce more impactful scholarly work.