CANCELLED Pre-Conference Course: Acknowledging and Addressing Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities in Medical Education

With the healthcare profession beginning to acknowledge the impact of systemic racism and racial bias on health disparities, there is an urgent need for medical educators to adequately address racial and ethnic health inequities in their instructional materials. Medical students are often taught about racial and ethnic health disparities (REHD) within marginalized communities but largely without context regarding why they exist or how they present in the healthcare system. Studies conducted in various preclinical courses have shown that educators often misrepresented race in their discussions, falsely correlated race with disease risk, promoted race-adjusted clinical guidelines, and encouraged student mastery of race-based science through assessments. The accepted misuse of race in medical education, whether implicitly or explicitly, has the detrimental ability to instill or reinforce racial bias among future healthcare professionals, perpetuate cultural stereotypes, increase health inequities, and adversely affect patient outcomes. The purpose of this course is to provide evidence-based recommendations for medical educators to improve their educational materials to ensure accurate portrayals of race in medicine. It will enable attendees to consider the effects of socioeconomic differences, environmental influences, and institutional racism with regards to healthcare compliance and outcomes.

Date & Time
Saturday, June 10, 2023, 12:15 PM - 3:15 PM