FS: Professional Identity Formation: Exploring Humanities in Medical Education

Session Coordinator: Brian Schwartz

Narrative medicine is a tool that promotes reflection and connection to story. In doing so it can promote well-being and self-care, with the ability to reduce burnout by increasing empathy and sense of purpose/personal accomplishment. This session aims to engage participants in active reflection, discussion, and narrative medicine practices that introduce a foundation of how to integrate narrative medicine content into community building and professional identity development. Using narrative medicine practices, participants will explore the formation of their personal identities now and the trajectory they would like their identities to take in the future.

After engaging in this learning experience, participants will be able to:

Identify the components of narrative medicine

Utilize narrative medicine techniques for self-reflection

Engage learners and peers to improve group communication

Propose methods to integrate narrative medicine into curriculum

Display self-compassion to promote well-being

Date & Time
Sunday, June 16, 2024, 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM
Location Name
Marquette VI