FS: Destigmatizing Learner Lapses: Considering Remediation in Medical Education

Session Coordinator: Martin Schmidt

This session proposes a cultural transformation in medical education to destigmatize learner lapses. Lapses may occur in learners’ achievement of knowledge or skills milestones, or in their professionalism development. Remediation seeks to support learners in reaching their learning goals. Yet from a student perspective, remediation may be viewed as punitive, a failure that may remain as a blemish in a learner’s records.

Individual learners progress at different paces. Expected competencies at the end of a program indicate that the learner has developed the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to progress to the next level in their professional role. A competency-based model is linked to adopting a growth mindset approach. In such an approach, “lapses” are evidence of individual differences and remediation is used to foster learner growth. By partnering with and supporting the learner, remediation demonstrates an investment in the learner rather than a punishment.

By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
• Destigmatize remediation by reframing it as a process available to all learners within a competency-based, growth mindset approach to learning.
• Discuss potential remediation strategies and resources appropriate to specific learner needs.
• Apply remediation strategies to student scenarios.

Date & Time
Monday, June 17, 2024, 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Location Name
Marquette VIII