Focus Session: Integrating Sex and Gender into Medical Education Using a Novel Toolkit for Curricular Assessment and Revision
Presentation Track(s)
Curricular Development

The need for a sex and gender perspective in medical education stems from the historical reliance on male models in medical research, which has led to significant healthcare disparities. The NIH's Sex as a Biological Variable policy and the development of educational materials by the NIH Office of Research on Women's Health highlight the importance of considering both biological sex and sociocultural gender in health. However, the adoption and integration of these materials into curricula have been slow. Faculty often lack the knowledge, skills, and resources to make these changes. This session addresses this gap by providing a validated toolkit and practical training to help faculty assess and revise their curricula, ultimately leading to more inclusive and effective medical education.

Agenda & Methods

  1. Introduction (5 minutes): Overview of the session objectives and the importance of integrating sex and gender perspectives in medical education.
  2. Presentation of the SG-CAR Toolkit (30 minutes): Detailed explanation of the toolkit, including its components and how to use it for curricular assessment and revision.
  3. Small Group Activity (20 minutes): Participants will analyze a sample lecture using the toolkit. They will be provided with paper copies of the lecture and toolkit, with electronic access for those with devices.
  4. Large Group Discussion (10 minutes): Sharing findings from the small group activity and discussing common themes and challenges.
  5. Discussion and Q&A (10 minutes): Open floor for questions, further discussion, and sharing of experiences and best practices.
Date & Time
Monday, June 16, 2025, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM