PDWS: Mastering Program Evaluation: Empowering Educators for Success
Presentation Category
Program Evaluation Theme

This 3-hour workshop is designed to equip health professions educators with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively evaluate their educational programs. By exploring the fundamental concepts of evaluation, participants will gain a deep understanding of its significance, and the various methods employed.

The workshop will focus on the evaluation of teaching including evaluating sessions, courses, and program rather than the assessment of learners. The workshop will delve into the ethical considerations and the role of evaluations in scholarly pursuits. Participants will learn to differentiate between formative and summative evaluations, qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods, and various evaluation tools and designs. Through a detailed examination of renowned evaluation models such as ADDIE, Kirkpatrick, CIPP, and the Logic Model, participants will gain insights into their commonalities and potential limitations.

The workshop will conclude by guiding participants through the evaluation cycle, emphasizing the importance of defining evaluation goals, planning data collection and analysis, interpreting results, and utilizing findings to refine future programs. Practical tools and techniques will be shared to facilitate successful evaluation implementation.

Overall Goal:
To enhance the evaluation skills of health professions educators, enabling them to design and implement effective evaluations that improve the quality and impact of their educational programs.

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to

  • articulate the definition of evaluation and discuss its ethical implications in the context of health professions education.
  • explain the steps involved in the evaluation cycle.
  • compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of the four evaluation models.
  • develop an evaluation plan, including data collection, analysis, and reporting strategies.

Workshop Schedule:

  • 8:00 - 8:25 (25 min) Part 1: Introduction to Evaluations
    • Introductions, session goals, agenda, and distribution of resources
    • Warm-up and discussion: What is evaluation?
    • Personal experiences with educational evaluations as a learner and educator, challenges and opportunities.
    • Ethical considerations in evaluation
    • Evaluation as Scholarship – review of Boyer’s 4 Types of Scholarship and the role of evaluation in each
  • 8:25 - 8:55 (20 min) Part 2: Overview of Evaluation Methods
    • Formative vs. Summative
    • Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
    • Evaluation tools
    • Common evaluation designs
    • Overview of the evaluation cycle: define, plan, implement, inform > refine and repeat
  • 8:55 - 9:40 (45 min) Part 3: Exploring Evaluation Models
    • ADDIE Model – how to utilize for evaluations
    • Kirkpatrick’s Model and Kirkpatrick's New World Model
    • CIPP Model
    • Logic Model
    • What do the models have in common? What is missing?
  • 9:40 - 11:00 (80 min) Part 4: Planning your Evaluation Journey
    • Starting with evaluation cycle: define, plan, implement, inform > refine and repeat
    • Define what you want to evaluate. What is the program, what does it purport to accomplish, what are its goals and objectives, what are the strategies and activities? Do the activities and goals align?
    • Plan what you want to evaluate: what questions should the evaluation answer? What are the best indicators to address the objectives? What methods should be used? What is the strongest design that can be implemented?
    • Plan how you want to evaluate the program: how should data be collected, organized, maintained, analyzed to best answer the evaluation questions? How are you going to implement the evaluation?
    • Plan how to interpret the results: how should results be interpreted? did the program meet its goals? How will you communicate the results? How do you ensure the results are used?
    • Refine and repeat.
    • Tools and techniques for success
    • Questions, Answers and Wrap-up
Date & Time
Saturday, June 14, 2025, 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM